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Asahi AWP Completes Your Journey to Carbon Neutral Plates

by Wikoff|01.10.24

In our last post, we talked about a simple strategy any print shop can implement to make a leap forward in flexographic platemaking sustainability without changing a single piece of equipment. By upgrading to Asahi’s “reduced environmental impact” AFP-R plates, VOC usage is immediately cut in half while improving productivity with advanced polymer technology.

AFP-R plates feature:

  • Faster plate washout
  • Dramatically reduced drying time
  • Improved drape and registration

Plus, AFP-R provides premium quality printing results that outperform Asahi’s high-quality solvent wash AFP flexo plates.

But for as impressive AFP-R technology is, Asahi’s signature water wash flexo plate system is even better.

AFP-R works as a fantastic bridge on your road to Solvent ZERO, but when you are ready to make the jump to Asahi’s AWP, the Wikoff Graphics team is here to make your transition smooth and successful.

Best quality. Less CO2.

The vision behind Asahi’s AWP water-washable premium plate with CleanPrint is simple. To offer a cleaner alternative to the flexo industry without sacrificing premium performance for the highest quality flexo applications, including flexible packaging and labels.

AWP water-washable plates provide many benefits that combine to bring flexographic printing more in harmony with the environment, preserving precious energy and natural resources while delivering excellent press performance and vibrant images.

An investment that goes beyond achieving carbon neutral platemaking

There is no question that changing flexo plate technology to water wash requires a financial and time investment. New equipment is needed and staff will require some modicum of training on the new workflow, but once the system is in place, the pay-off is well worth it.

  • Certified carbon neutral by the Carbon Trust
  • Improved safety conditions for workers
  • Up to 33% improvement in Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) compared to other plates
  • Precise registration and stable print quality ideal for Expanded Gamut Printing (EGP)
  • Added value for your brand

Looking at the last point here, it cannot be understated how companies that do not take consumer preferences for sustainability into account today will be left behind in the future. The sooner your shop aligns with trends in consumer values, the faster you will differentiate from competitors who have not.

AWP highlights

  • Premium, water-washable photopolymer plate allowing high screening resolution and small dots
  • Excellent ink transfer with CleanPrint for fewer printing press plate cleaning stops, improving profitability
  • Smooth tonal transitions with highlight dots fading down to zero, allowing job transfer from other printing technologies
  • Compatible with solvent-, water- and most UV-based inks
  • Superb plate limpness eliminating plate lift-off with small printing cylinders
  • Total platemaking time for complete process in well under 1 hour
  • Enables flexographic printing more in harmony with the environment

Guiding you on your journey to sustainability

As a full-fledged partner of Asahi Photoproducts, the Wikoff Graphics team is a valuable resource for taking your business’s sustainability goals to the next level. Whatever you need to make a smooth transition into water wash flexo plates, we are here to make it happen.

Let’s work together to get your platemaking to Solvent ZERO, contact us today to get started.
